Plane Travel Tips

We spend a bit of time traveling out of town.  We thought it would be fun to share with you some of our experiences with traveling with our cake supplies!  We try to drive wherever we go, but sometimes we do take planes to get to our various shows and classes around the country/world (we can’t drive to the Netherlands).  When we do take planes, we have to make sure to get to the airport at least three hours early to deal with our 9 or so bags containing various tools, molds, cakes, and, oh yeah!, the actual luggage we need while being away such as a pair of pajamas.

Going through security is always fun because our silicone molds we use in class and sell at the vendor booth have a very close resemblance to plastic explosives, which are frowned upon to bring to airports.  So we have to quietly sit there as they swipe each and EVERY mold with their special explosive detecting pad and put it in the special explosive detecting machine.  Of course, after the hour it takes there comes the questions, “What are these?  How do you use them?  Wow, you’re traveling to teach cake decorating?  What do you use in the molds?” and so on.  Luckily, all the security in the airports we have visited have had nice TSA agents and given us plenty of time to repack everything properly!

Of course, there are always the trips when we open up a suitcase with a cake or showpiece tucked safely inside, to find it smashed and melted with a boot print in it, but that’s another story!

So here are your Simi Cakes Plane Travel Tips:

1.  Keep plenty of time in mind for your painfully slow security check-in.
2.  Don’t place Pam cooking spray in your checked luggage or they will call you out of line as you are boarding the plane.  This makes the people around you feel a bit uncomfortable.
3.  Of course, the giant size super hold aerosol hairspray is just fine check in-or maybe it never got caught!
4.  Don’t forget to deflate all of your butane from your crème brulee torches for your checked luggage or you will be throwing them away at the gate (just ask Peggy Tucker!).
5.  Place all of your teaching supplies in your carry-on luggage and your clothes get checked in because we really don’t need clothes if the luggage gets lost!
6.  Because you have all of your teaching supplies in your carry-on luggage it weighs a ton and you have to pretend its very light if the flight attendant walks by and sees that it may be on the edge of the weight limit.
7.  Because your carry-on luggage weighs a ton you do not need time at the hotel gym.
8.  And when you get to your destination make sure to rent a large enough car to carry all of your suitcases and, oh yes, the passengers need seats as well.
9.  Keep smiling and find some chocolate!

When we make it to teach class or attend a show everything is wonderfully worth any of the hurdles you may have had to jump that day.  When we connect with our talented cake community and see old friends and meet new ones we don’t even remember a bit about how we got there, just know how truly blessed we are to be there.

Until next time… Keep Life Sweet!
-Sidney and Michelle

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