Airbrush Glossary of Terms
by Mike Terry, CMSA
INTERNAL MIX indicates that air and airbrush color mix inside the airbrush, producing a thoroughly atomized “fine dot” spray pattern.
EXTERNAL MIX indicates that air and airbrush color mix outside the airbrush producing a larger, coarser spray pattern than internal mix airbrushes.
DUAL ACTION refers to airbrushes on which the trigger controls both air and color (down for air, back for color). This style air-brush allows for varying line widths while spraying.
SINGLE ACTION refers to airbrushes on which the trigger controls only the air brush color flow. The more you pull back on the trigger the more airbrush color is allowed to come thru the gun.
GRAVITY FEED refers to airbrushes with top-mounted color cups in which gravity draws paint into the airbrush. Less air pressure (as low as 8-16 PSI) is required to operate this type of airbrush.
SIPHON FEED refers to when the airbrush is allowed to siphon the color from a Color Bottle or Color Jar great when using petal dust.
BOTTOM FEED refers to airbrushes on which paint enters through a siphon tube or color cup attached to the bottom of the air-brush. This type of airbrush requires at least 20-30 PSI to operate properly.
SIDE FEED refers to airbrushes on which a small color cup fits into the side of the airbrush. This type of airbrush requires at least 20 PSI to operate.
COMPRESSOR Controls the amount of air pressure the airbrush can us and how. The Compressor takes the air in the room and compresses it moisture and all and directs it thru the hose and this is the air that powers your airbrush.
About Chef Terry:
Chef Mike E. Terry is an internationally known pastry artist, judge and instructor. He has been teaching for more than 20 years, including classes at ICES, and is an RBA (Retail Bakers Association) Approved Instructor. Chef Terry appeared on the first two seasons of TLC’s Ultimate Cake Off, and is an eight-time winner at the North Carolina Food Dealers Show.
Please visit Mike at or contact him at