Strawberry Marshallows! (With Fresh Strawberry Puree)…

Those who know me know I have a “thing” for marshmallow.  I LOVE IT! Seriously, I’ll put it on, or in, or around, anything and everything!  I’ve done homemade versions of marvelous marshmallow in all its guises: for piping, for frosting, for filling, for toasting, for eating, and/or for licking (always!)

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 Super-dope Strawberry Marshmallows!

And whilst I do take pride in trying to make what I can from scratch, I can’t take all the credit here. It’s not like I “invented” strawberry marshmallows, so credit where credit’s due – THIS is the best recipe and set of instructions for strawberry marshmallows I have come across!  So read/print the original recipe, but please note my tweaks:
•    I used a 9 x 9 inch square cake tin (springform).
•    It’s 28 grams of gelatin powder that you’ll need (I just weighed out the powder from some Dr Oetker gelatin sachets).
•    I used slightly less than 1/2 cup of strawberry puree, (& added a bit of caster sugar & balsamic vinegar, as in my recipe below) as I have found that excess liquid in your mallow mix can really mess it up.
•    I also reduced my puree until there was no liquid left.
•    Using this puree means no food colouring.  (Woot-woot!  They turn out the most gorgeous shade of pale pink with bits of fresh strawberry poking through).

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As there were no pictures to accompany the original recipe, I snapped some of the process, which I’ve included below.  OMG how tricky was that – pouring hot, molten sugar into a glass bowl whilst snapping away with a big-ass DSLR?!
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You keep beating the marshmallow mix, steadily increasing from low to high speed for 10 minutes…

You will know that your marshmallows are “done” once the mix has (a) more than doubled in size, and (b) it actually feels like a light, soft, marshmallow-y goo.
Then, you pour it into your foil-lined & grease-sprayed pan (I used a 9-inch square cake tin), and leave to set at room temperature for 10+ hours.  I know – it’s such a loooooong wait, but soooooo worth it!

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 Urgh! The 10-hour setting time was torture! But lookie lookie what you get afterwards…

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Eat & enjoy! Yummmm!!

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