Do You Need a Professional Website for Your Cake Business?

Do You Need a Professional Website for Your Cake Business?

web guru teamRunning your cake business is not an easy task! With a never-ending to-do list, clients to see, and cakes to bake finding time to think about your online visibility and website may seem impossible! But, it is one of the most important marketing tools available for your business. There is an endless list of the benefits to having a professional website but here I would like to focus on the top 8 reasons:

  1. First Impressions:

Most consumers “Google” businesses looking for information and reviews before visiting a store or making a purchase. You only have one chance to make a first impression so your website must be clean, clear, well organized, and easy to use. You want to provide your visitors with the basics and to “sell” your products and services. Great website design will give your clients the information and confidence they need to purchase goods or services from you.

  1. Without a Website You Are Losing Business:

If you don’t have a website you are definitely missing out on opportunities for clients to find you and to decide if they want to hire you. If you do not have a website, potential clients will automatically visit your competitors. For home-based businesses, an online presence is even more important since you do not have a store front to promote your products or services.

  1. A Website Will Save You Money:

Many small business owners believe that they cannot afford a professional website but the truth is you cannot afford NOT to have a website. The pros at the web design firm Web Guru Team can build you a professional 5-page site for just $250. This basic site is perfect way for you to get started and not break the bank! Since Web Guru Team offers a free domain for 1-year, free hosting forever, free email hosting, and a free SSL certificate you will have no monthly fees for the first year. This is a VERY cost-effective way to market your business.

  1. Your Website Will Help You Keep Your Clients Informed:

Your website works like an online ad or catalogue allowing you to post news and information about your products or services including downloadable print materials, sale information, classes, updated product information and more! Since your website is built using WordPress you can easily update this information yourself and avoid paying web maintenance fees.

  1. Use Your Website to Showcase Your Work:

Your website is the perfect place to create an online portfolio of your cakes, cookies, and other creations. Since the space is virtually unlimited you can showcase all your best work so that potential clients get a feel for exactly what you offer. A picture truly is worth a thousand words!

  1. Offer Your Clients More and Improve Your Customer Service:

Not only can you provide your clients with more information about your products and services but you can provide them with advice, answer frequently asked questions, add articles or upload newsletters to answer all your customers’ questions and keep them up-to-date. This is a great way to add value to your services and to stay ahead of the competition.

  1. Your Business is Always Available!

A website markets your products and services 24/7 with no effort on your part! Potential clients have the convenience of reviewing your products and services when your store or office is closed.

  1. Broaden Your Audience:

On online presence allows you to reach a wider audience and to sell more products and services. If you are selling products an eCommerce website will allow you to sell to customers in other states and even help you reach a global audience.

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The Importance of a Professionally Built Website:

Some of you may already have a website that you built yourself using a WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) service like GoDaddy or HostGator and that is great but you might want to consider a professional redesign to provide your business with a professional image which will inspire even greater confidence.

The truth is that a bad website can be worse than having no website at all. While not having a website equals missed opportunities, a bad website can misrepresent the quality of your goods and services. You offer outstanding services and designs so it is important to have your website reflect your high standards.

A great looking, fully-functioning site conveys confidence and builds credibility in your potential clients. Professionals like the ones at Web Guru Team understand the technology and market and can build an awesome site for you that will boost your sales and confidence!

Getting Started is Surprisingly Simple!

If you are ready to get started with your new website or website redesign simply visit Web Guru Team now at and choose your package. Then click on the “order now” button and complete the form and pay. After that someone from Web Guru Team will contact you with further details. It couldn’t be easier so get started today (!


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